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5th Annual Fundraiser & Gala - THANK YOU

The S.A.V.E. Board would like to Thank everyone for your support for our 5th Annual Fundraiser & Gala!!!!!
A lot of people ask, "What does the monies you raise at your Fundraiser go toward?" Imagine a Safe Place or Emergency Room for a Woman who has been locked out of her home for over 6 hours in the Middle of the Night, imagine a woman who finally breaks free from her attacker but is hiding in the bushes until help arrives. So now imagine that it's your Mother, daughter, niece, cousin, Best Friend, or even Son enduring this! The monies we are raising is to Purchase our First of Several Transitional Homes, which you see pictured, not a Fancy Mansion, but a safe place for a Victim to lay their head and escape! $10,000 is the Goal and what's needed, and we are Half way there! This Year we will help more Survivors! 
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